or overhead power lines? There are many benefits of both, but if you
still don't know what way is better, read this article and have your
own firm opinion.
those who are not familiar yet with the undergrounding, it is a
replacement of the overhead power lines providing telecommunication
or power with cables under the ground. Although many say that the
undergrounding is performed for aesthetic purpose, it has a lot of
benefits over the overhead cables. Laying underground cables affect
the rights of the owners of the land on which the power line is used,
to a degree similar to the erection of an overhead line. Below you
can read the main advantages and disadvantages of both undergrounding
and overhead power lines.
perspective - Watching the things from this perspective, the
undergrounding is in advantage. Despite the aesthetics, the
underground cables radiate heat which has an effect on soil humidity.
– The overhead power lines are in better position, as
undergrounding has higher costs of installation, electric power
transmission and maintaining, although it might decrease the
operational costs over the lifetime of the cables. Also, the costs
for repairing some underground cable issue are bigger, having in mind
that we will need to dig at least 500 meters.
– The overhead power lines are more exposed to damages, such as air
elements, debris, tree branches, high wind or ice-loading
conditions.Undergrounding however, are significantly less vulnerable
to any kind of damages, mainly weather conditions like lighting,
freezing or wind.
time – A repair of overhead power line can be accomplished in
just a few hours, while underground repairs can take a few days, or
even weeks. For this reason, overhead power lines are on run.
emission – As you all know, the
cables produce a magnetic field. Close grouping of underground power
cables reduces the resultant external magnetic field and further
magnetic shielding might be provided.
secure -
Undergrounding means much less subjects exposed to theft, sabotage
and illegal connecting.
You can read more about earth moving equipment on this webiste.